In 2013, Sir Champ was chosen to be the City of Irvine’s 2/11 Marine Adoption Committee official mascot : representing USMC 2nd Batallion, 11th Marines, during Memorial Day, 4th of July, Veteran’s Day and last summer’s Wall of Remembrance Day. The Irvine 2/11 Marine Adoption Committee serves to provide charitable and educational activities and support to the Unites States Marines and their families assigned to Camp Pendleton.
Sir Champ was also featured in the book ROVER published in 2010, proceeds of which were donated to pet shelters, rescues and various pet causes. Copies of the book are in Children’s Hospitals, like CHOC and Children’s hospital Los Angeles. The soulful portraits of other breeds of dogs, including Sir Champ’s, provide a captivating visual experience for kids. The laughter and joy from this book hopefully contribute to the healing process, as many of these children miss their pets immensely while they are in the hospital.
From kids to adults to active duty Marines to Veterans to SENIORS: Sir Champ spread Love by participating in various events at the City of Irvine and Camp Pendleton and by doing personal appearances as volunteer therapy/comfort companion in various nursing homes and senior centers in Orange County.
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